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How the Digital Product Passport Can Benefit You in Product Development

By February 10, 2025No Comments

Use data to improve products and satisfy customers

The Digital Product Passport (DPP) is more than a legal requirement—it’s a valuable resource for product developersaiming to create better products and happier customers. DPP enables the collection and structuring of detailed product information, offering insights into how customers interact with products. While DPP does not directly analyze customer behavior, it provides the necessary data to help product developers meet customer needs and improve their overall experience.

The Digital Product Passport gives product developers access to valuable data and insights to create products that meet customer needs and enhance satisfaction.

Understand What Customers Need
En af de største fordele ved DPP er produktudvikleres mulighed for at analysere, hvilke dele af produktinformationen kunderne fokuserer på.

Hvis tekniske specifikationer eller vejledninger ofte bliver besøgt, tyder det på, at det indhold er særligt vigtigt for kunderne. Den viden kan hjælpe produktudviklere med at forstå kundernes anvendelsesmønstre og identificere områder, hvor produktet kan tilpasses eller forbedres. Når produkter opfylder kundernes forventninger, bliver de gladere – og gladere kunder vender oftere tilbage.

Use Feedback to Strengthen Your Products
Kundefeedback er en afgørende kilde til at forstå, hvad der fungerer, og hvad der kan forbedres. Gennem DPP kan produktudviklere få struktureret adgang til feedback og analysere, hvor der er behov for justeringer. Positiv feedback på specifik produktinformation kan vise, hvad der tiltaler kunderne, mens gentagne spørgsmål eller problemer kan indikere, hvor der er brug for mere klarhed eller ændringer i designet.

Reduce the Need for After-Sales Support
Support inquiries also provide unique insights into where product information or the product itself can be improved. If many customers contact support about the same issues, it may indicate areas that need optimization. By leveraging data from DPP, product developers can make changes that reduce the need for after-sales support while ensuring a smoother customer experience.

How Does Technology Play a Role?
Technological solutions such as like PIM systems (Product Information Management) play a central role in collecting, structuring, and analyzing data from DPP. These systems enable product developers to efficiently manage large volumes of data and prioritize efforts where they will have the greatest impact. Technology also ensures that product information is accessible and up-to-date, enhancing the product’s value and the customer experience.

The Digital Product Passport is an invaluable tool for product developers who want to understand customer needs and create products that meet or exceed expectations. By using data from DPP, you can reduce support needs, improve products, and create happier customers who are more likely to return. Start implementing DPP now to prepare your product development for the future.

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